Monday, June 6, 2011's a secret...

Yummy is all I can say as I enjoy a cool summery treat...wanna know what it is?  And  how many calories?  (Surprisingly very low calorie!)

It's only about 75 to 100 calories per serving.  I'm not overly fussy about measuring food.  I just estimate when I dole out a serving.

So, what is it?  Its my Berry Medley Parfait!  It is deliciously sweet, cold, and satsifying. 

I buy a 16 oz. bag of frozen mixed berries (blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries) from WalMart.  (Really cheap, too, Somewhere in the $2 to $3 range.)  Scoop out about 4 tbs. of fruit, place in bowl.  Mix in half cup of non fat (or low fat) whipped cream or Cool Whip.  Ta-da!  Sit back with a good book, a fan blasting on you, and imagine you're sitting on the beach!

I like to eat the berries as they slowly defrost.  The blueberries are really good when they're still frozen.  The strawberries are difficult to eat until they soften up a bit, though.  :)

Another wonderful idea is to take a tall glass of water, add 6 icecubes, and about  6to 8 frozen berries.  They enhance the water's flavor without adding calories.  It is a delicious alternative to sweetened drinks.  (Or artificially sweetened stuff that I'm not sure is all that good for you.)  You can experiment with different types of fruits--stores carry frozen peaches, too!  I have not yet tried that, but I have a bag of peaches in the freezer, so one of these days, I'll give that a shot.

These frozen berries are awesome on plain breakfast cereals, too!

Let me know if you guys like these ideas! 


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