Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Juggling act

So today I had my checkup with Dr. G, my OB/GYN.  I can't say enough about this man--instead of the rote 10 or 15 min. IN/OUT, he sat and talked to me for almost 45 minutes.

He asked me all the right questions to prod me enough to open up to him about the stresses in my life.  Basically I have to get the kids to be more independent, no if's, and's or but's.  I cannot continue to be responsible for everyone else.  Taking care of myself is a lot of work as it is!!  He told me that I must do this for my own good.

Now, how do I actually do this?!  I need a plan and I need to stick with it.  It is so hard to formulate a plan because things are just so disorganized lately. 

I've got 4 kids who are old enough to drive, but I'm driving them everywhere.  (John is, too, when he's home.)  I don't really know how to fix this, though...if they had their licenses, they would have to pay for insurance and have a vehicle.  We couldn't afford to do this for them. 

It's something of a catch 22.  When I was 21, I was married.  My two oldest are 21 and 24, and they are still muddling along like high school kids.  I honestly don't really know how to fix this. 

Well, I guess I'll need to mull it over for a day or so.  Then I'll sit down with them and put it all out for them.  They absolutely must start making some decisions in their own lives so as to take some of the pressure off me.

Prayer for the day:  Dear Papa,

I'm so tired.  Nothing in life is easy.  I can't find a way to fit in the things I need to do for myself.  Everyone looks to me for everything.  I don't know how to correct this.  Please help and guide me.  And...please guide my family, too.  Your child, Annie

So long for now.  I need to go put a roast on for dinner...

HUGSxxxAnnie  How about an extra big HUG?  I think I need it.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs! You'll find it will all work out. You'll have more time, they'll become more independent and better prepared adults!

    There should be some law that prevent auto insurance from skyrocketing, though! Especially in a world of "no transportation" here. Wondering about Phil's taxi service?!?!? I know it wasn't good enough for Maria's first wedding and all...lol But it might be cheaper than auto insurance?
