Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wait till you read this! >:(

Ok, this is Part II of mean girls...

We're getting ready to go to Mass, and Therese just finished getting dressed.  She came up to me, looking cute as a button, then she said, "Mom, last week I wore my jeans with sequins on it.  "T" came up to me and said, 'My mom says you shouldn't wear jeans that make your butt look big.'"  I asked if Therese was sure that 'T' was aiming that comment towards her.  She said that she was sure. 

Third graders!  No wonder eating disorders are epidemic.  My little girl is actually in the lowest 25 percentile of weight for her height, so she could stand to put on a few pounds.  She has said things to me about her belly and her butt being 'fat', so now I see where this might be coming from.  ARGHHH.

And, just what kind of mom advises her little girl on how to dress in order to diminish the size of her tush?!!  What the heck?  I don't understand why anyone would even bring that up to a child?  That not only emphasizes being thin, but the start of being sexually attractive.  What other possibility could there be for that kind of thinking?  C'mon, let's leave kids alone to just be children.



  1. Annie, this girl is a bully. I would definitely address it with school. If she's picking on Terese, she's picking on others!

  2. Amy, thanks for you motherly input. I agree with you, but I also face something of a quandry. There are so many kids saying these things that the WHOLE class might end with detention!

  3. This just solidifies my reasoning for Cyber School even more. How awful. A friend in a nearby county is contemplating pulling her 7 year old because his "friend" has been writing things of a sexual nature in his notebook. Nice.

  4. This girl named 'T' was playing with Therese with her little animal toys. She told Therese that hers were going into another room so they could have sex! Thankfully, Therese talks to me about these things.
