What started as a hunt to see if my maternal great grandma had a brush with a serial killer (still haven't pinned it down for sure, but there's some strong circumstantial evidence), has resulted in me finding out that my father may have had another brother that he didn't know about! The latest news on that is that I have found (recorded in the Social Security Death Index, a man that may have been him--if so, he died in 1988, in Cook County, Illinois. His birthdate matches up exactly with the mystery brother, so I'm fairly convinced.)
I have met a man who's grandfather was brothers with my maternal great grandfather, and he has sent me photos and obituaries that clear up some long time mysteries! He sent me a photo of James Fitzgerald, my great great grandfather that came here from Ireland! No one in my mom's immediate family has ever seen a photo of him! Now I have one!
Onto more contemporary things:
My beloved cat has been missing for almost a week. Now, I know cats don't seem all that special to some people, but this cat is the sweetest little guy. He purrs twice as loud as two cats combined. And, he has three legs, so when he walks, he looks like a bunny hopping. He likes coffee and popcorn, too. He is more affectionate than any cat I've met, and he was my dog's surrogate baby, so she's probably missing him, too. To make things worse, my kids miss him and that hurts me, too. Oh, and this little kitty actually 'smiles'. When you rub his neck (under his chin), his mouth opens slightly, and his expression looks just like a contented grin.
Therese's been having these deep heaving sobs off and on over him. That is the most heart wrenching thing of all.
Speaking of Therese, she's the funniest child. (Well, they all have their moments, I must concede.) When she arrives home from being out, the winter attire comes off and she's in shorts and tee shirts. Bare feet and legs, too. NOT me! All winter long, this is what she does. She has several really cute sweaters but she won't ever wear them.
Off to do more research.
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