I know that many Catholics have abandoned the practice of confessing for various reasons. My mom did my brothers and I a big favor when we were growing up. She took us to confession once a month. It instilled a regular pattern for us, and if I wait too long now, it gnaws at me until I get to the confessional.
Some people have lost their sense of sin. Most sins are rationalized by our culture. I see the demise of morality all around me. It is so much easier to fall into the trap rather than work against it. I know this might sound 'old fashioned', but sex outside of marriage is still what the bible calls fornication.
And using all your money for your own pleasures and not tithing is still a sin. I find it fascinating that people give nothing to the collection plate, or they throw a dollar in. These same people don't hestitate to spend five bucks on a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Do people remember that it is a serious sin to take God's name in vain? I hear that so much, even out of children's mouths. The ancient Israelites wouldn't even say His name because they knew how holy it is.
I'm not trying to sound judgemental here. Afterall, I'm constantly trying to work out my own salvation, trying to find God's will, trying to fight against my own evil inclinations. If anyone knows the struggle, I do.
Does anyone ever stop to think that gossipping is extremely harmful? Do they realize how much damage they do? What about criticizing behind another one's back? How many of us remember that God should always be number l in our lives?
If you are Catholic and haven't been to the sacrament for awhile, I urge you to consider it. The invisible graces that we receive are priceless. Would you hestitate to go to a king who offered to give you a priceless treasure? Of course not. And yet, this is a priceless treasure that will pay off for the rest of eternity.
If you're not Catholic, I urge you to think about the way you live, examine your conscience, ask Jesus for forgiveness, and make up your mind that you want to move forward in His grace.
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