Creativity is a funny thing. It's probably infinite in its possibilites, and yet, we have those (sometimes drawn out) dreaded dry spots!
During those times, it's like the sun is on hiatus, the clouds are murking up the day, and life feels...flat.
Thank goodness my creative wheels are turning again, and the sun is at high noon, with nary a cloud to sully the atmosphere.
I have a request for you--my reader! I have three ideas on the table, and they are all equally appealing to the writer in me. I wonder if you would do me the pleasure of your two cents, and share with me what you think I should tackle first?
Most of us have seen, in bookstores, and now on websites--such as Amazon-- that there is a market for books with local flavor. I appreciate reading them myself, and have bought them as gifts.
After some serious thought, I believe I am about to embark on writing a book about one of these three main topics:
1.) Legends and Folklore of Mercer County, PA. (Or possibly NW Pennsylvania, or Shenango Valley)
2.) Homicides (Murders, or Murder Mysteries) in Mercer County, PA. (Again, the other two possible locales.) This would cover the period of time between the first settlers, through the decades, up till today.
3.) History and daily life of the Amish in (again) Mercer County, PA.
So, time to do your homework, folks, can you just send me a note and tell me which one you think I should do?
Whichever way I go, I will need to start doing some research. If I cover legends (choice number 1), I would like to have at least one chapter on 'hauntings', which would mean I would need to put out a request for local yokels to contact me with their stories.
I already know of one lady, a family friend, who had a haunting in her Sharon home, back in the 70's. I'm usually skeptical of that sort of thing, but in her case, I really believe. She's a rational lady, with some eerie stories, and I think most Sharonites would be chilled to know about it.
A new writer's group has formed at the Shenango Valley Community Library, and I'm pleased to be a member. I'm also a member of PennWriter's, as well as past member of the (now defunct) Thursday Coffee Shop Writers, Sharon Writer's Group, and Tri-City Writers.
I wrote a Mother's Column in two Christian newspapers for several years, and am the official OP/ED letter writer for Pro Life of Mercer County.
Will you please accept my invitation and give me your opinion? Also, in the future, I may be blogging with more invitations to share your stories of local legends, hauntings, or murders. I hope I can bring you all along on my ride!
XXXhugs Annie
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