Springtime in western Pennsylvania begins each year quietly behind the scenes. Long months of pewter skies and gunmetal gray landscapes make for plenty of monotony.
Save for the occasional sighting of a cardinal in the bare tree branches, or the even rarer patch of blue sky, our eyes become accustomed to nature in gray scale.
Just when we almost forget that color and light exist, the first whisper of spring tickles our ears. One morning, we are coaxed out of sleep by a long forgotten sound...that of bird chatter. As the days grow longer, the sun comes up a earlier, and the bird chatter is now a symphony.
Each day, buds burst forth and proceed to blossom. Like a color bomb has detonated, there is a mushroom cloud of pigment as far as the eye can see.
Exquisite fragrances ride on warm breezes, taking us by surprise. How charming that the flowers delight our eyes and our noses!! How generous of them to please us so!
We welcome the sun's warmth with enthusiasm and invite it to stop and 'stay awhile'. Brooding and melancholic clouds, like parasites that eat our joy, are suddenly banished. From East to West, the blue sky and wisps of white are all we see. God wrapped the gift of Spring in color, fragrance and song, just for you and me!
Springtime, I welcome you to my little corner of the world.
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