We try to pray the rosary on the weekends as a family. Sometimes it turns out like this, but we're doing the best we can.
I got some Amish bread today on our way back from New Castle. It is available at The Apple Castle, and I just had 2 slices of raisin bread with Jif on it. Sometimes the simplest foods are the most satisfying.
We went to Ollie's and Therese didn't see any decent toys. That store is odd, has a lot of junky stuff, but a few hidden treaures. I got Goldfish Crackers at $1.50 a pkg., and Valentine cards for Therese for $.49! She got 2 boxes, one for the girls and one for the boys.
She and I went to the American Girl Website. She has decided that she truly should use her savings to get herself an American Girl doll. She picked one out that was customized to look like her! We ordered it and it is supposed to arrive in 6 to 9 days. She is flitting all around like a little firefly, lighting up the whole house!
Okay, I broke down and let the vagabond cat inside. She is not one of our pets (Katy, Simba, and Tuesday); but rather, a street urchin that begs food and water from us on a daily basis. I felt sorry for her because it was bitter outside, so she gladly took me up on the offer for a warm room for a night. :) She has glossy black fur with white highlights. She sneaks in her periodically because the kids aren't paying attention when they open the door. One time I found her sleeping in the hamper on top of the dirty clothes. LOL.
An American Girl doll?! How exciting... I remember when I made a doll that looked like me... I adored it! (maybe because it was just so cute! haha)